Workshop on Argumentation and Case-based Reasoning at ICCBR Sept 12-15, 2011

Call for Papers

Argumentation and Case-based Reasoning (ACBR 2011)

September 12, 2011
A workshop at
ICCBR 2011: The International Conference on Case-based Reasoning, September 12-15, 2011
Greenwich, London, United Kingdom
Case-based reasoning is standardly formalised as having four-steps – retrieve, reuse, revise, and retain. In this formalisation, there is little scope for debate. However, in domains such as law, medicine, and product selection, participants (lawyers, doctors, or consumers) may argue for or against a given legal determination, clinical treatment plan, or product choice based on what is retrieved from the case base, how the cases are reused, and what revisions are made to a case. The participants must not only justify their argument, but also defend it against counter-arguments; as well, subsidiary arguments must be justified and defended. Moreover, the information in the case base may be incomplete; different individuals to the dispute may hold alternative views, values, or consumer-oriented goals; and the reasoning itself may only be plausible rather than certain. Given this, we resort to defeasible argumentation on information derived from the case base, where claims only presumptively follow from premises and reasoning about the overall ‘network’ of arguments can be related to alternative contexts or audiences. At the end of the reasoning process, some decision must be made, which may vary depending on audiences.
Recent research on formalising or supporting decision-making in social systems (law, medicine, consumer discussion websites) shows the crucial role of argumentation in structuring, clarifying, and reasoning with respect to complex, possibly inconsistent information. Bringing researchers together to discuss results across domains will lead to greater understanding of commonalities or problems and forward state-of-the-art research on the intersection of and interaction between case-based reasoning and argumentation.
Intended Audence
Researchers working on Argumentation and CBR in any theoretical approach and application domain (Law, Medicine, Web-based consumer sites, Games, etc).
Areas of Interest (preliminary):

  • Relationships between case-bases and argumentation such as argumentation schemes that are designed for particular domains.
  • The content and structure of the case-base as required by participants to the argument.
  • Examples examples and applications of case-based argumentative reasoning.
  • Author Guidelines:
    The workshop solicits full papers and position papers. As well as fully-developed, thoroughly evaluated research, authors are welcome to submit tentative, incremental, and exploratory studies. Papers not accepted as full papers may be accepted as short research abstracts. Submissions will be evaluated by the program committee. Papers should be submitted in LNCS format, with a maximum of 10 pages. Camera-ready copies of papers have to be ready on the 25 of July 2011 (hard deadline) so that they can be included in the workshop proceedings.
    Submissions should be submitted electronically in PDF to the EasyChair site by the deadline (see important dates below). As it stands now, you submit the paper via ICCBR submission page on EasyChair, submitting the paper to Workshop 6: Argumentation and Case-based Reasoning.
    Papers will appear in the proceedings of the conference workshops. Further details about publication are to follow.
    Argumentation and Case-based Reasoning
    Important Dates:
    Paper submission deadline: 27 June 2011 by 00:00 GMT
    Acceptance notification sent: 06 July 2011
    Final camera-ready version deadline: 5 August 2011
    Workshop date: 12 September 2011
    Contact Information:
    Primary contact: Adam Wyner,
    Program Committee Co-Chairs:
    Adam Wyner (University of Liverpool, UK)
    Trevor Bench-Capon (University of Liverpool, UK)
    Program Committee (preliminary):
    Kevin Ashley, University of Pittsburgh
    Katie Atkinson, University of Liverpool
    Frans Coenen, University of Liverpool
    Mehmet Goker, PriceWaterhouseCoopers
    Nancy Green, University of North Carolina
    Stella Heras, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
    Cindy Marling, Ohio University
    David McSherry, University of Ulster
    Edwina Rissland, University of Massachusetts
    Maya Wardeh, University of Liverpool

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