Workshop on Modelling Policy-making (MPM 2011)

In conjunction with
The 24th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2011)
Wednesday December 14, 2011
University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria
As the European Union develops, issues about governance, legitimacy, and transparency become more pressing. National governments and the EU Commission realise the need to promote widespread, deliberative democracy in the policy-making cycle, which has several phases: 1) agenda setting, 2) policy analysis, 3) lawmaking, 4) administration and implementation, and 5) monitoring. As governments must become more efficient and effective with the resources available, modern information and communications technology (ICT) are being drawn on to address problems of information processing in the phases. One of the key problems is policy content analysis and modelling, particularly the gap between on the one hand policy proposals and formulations that are expressed in quantitative and narrative forms and on the other hand formal models that can be used to systematically represent and reason with the information contained in the proposals and formulations.
Submission Focus:
The workshop invites submissions of original research about the application of ICT to the early phases of the policy cycle, namely those before the legislators fix the legislation: agenda setting, policy analysis, and lawmaking. The research should seek to address the gap noted above. The workshop focuses particularly on using and integrating a range of subcomponents – information extraction, text processing, representation, modelling, simulation, reasoning, and argument – to provide policy making tools to the public and public administrators.
Intended Audience:
Legal professionals, government administrators, political scientists, and computer scientists.
Areas of Interest:

  • information extraction from natural language text
  • policy ontologies
  • formal logical representations of policies
  • transformations from policy language to executable policy rules
  • argumentation about policy proposals
  • web-based tools that support participatory policy-making
  • tools for increasing public understanding of arguments behind policy decisions
  • visualising policies and arguments about policies
  • computational models of policies and arguments about policies
  • integration tools
  • multi-agent policy simulations

Preliminary Workshop Schedule:
09:45-10:00 Workshop Opening comments
10:00-11:00 Paper Session 1

  • Using PolicyCommons to support the policy-consultation process: investigating a new workflow and policy-deliberation data model
    Neil Benn and Ann Macintosh
  • A Problem Solving Model for Regulatory Policy Making
    Alexander Boer, Tom Van Engers and Giovanni Sileno

11:00-11:15 Break (coffee, tea, air etc.)
11:15-12:15 Paper Session 2

  • Linking Semantic Enrichment to Legal Documents
    Akos Szoke, Andras Forhecz, Krisztian Macsar and Gyorgy Strausz
  • Semantic Models and Ontologies in Modelling Policy-making
    Adam Wyner, Katie Atkinson and Trevor Bench-Capon

12:15-13:15 Lunch break
13:15-14:45 Paper Session 3

  • Consistent Conceptual Descriptions to Support Formal Policy Model Development: Metamodel and Approach
    Sabrina Scherer and Maria Wimmer
  • The Policy Modeling Tool of the IMPACT Argumentation Toolbox
    Thomas Gordon
  • Ontologies for Governance, Risk Management and Policy Compliance
    Jorge Gonzalez-Conejero, Albert Merono-Penuela and David Fernandez Gamez

14:45-15:00 Break (coffee, tea, air etc.)
15:00-16:00 Paper Session 4 and Closing discussion

  • Policy making: How rational is it?
    Tom Van Engers, Ignace Snellen and Wouter Van Haaften
  • Closing discussion

Workshop Registration and Location:
Please see the JURIX 2011 website for all information about registration and location.
Webpage URL:
Important Dates:

  • Submission: Monday, October 24
  • Review Notification: Monday, November 7
  • Final Version: Thursday, December 1
  • Workshop date: Wednesday, December 14

Author Guidelines:
Submit position papers of between 2-5 pages in length in PDF format and using the IOS Press style files and authors’ guidelines at:
IOS Press Author Instructions
Submit papers to:
MPM 2011 on EasyChair
The position papers are available only in an electronic version from the following link:
Proceedings of the Workshop on Modelling Policy-making
A call for selected extended versions of the papers will be issued for a special issue of AI and Law on Modelling Policy-making.
Contact Information:
Adam Wyner,
Neil Benn,
Program Committee Co-Chairs:
Adam Wyner (University of Liverpool, UK)
Neil Benn (University of Leeds, UK)
Program Committee (Preliminary):
Katie Atkinson
Trevor Bench-Capon
Bruce Edmonds
Tom van Engers
Euripidis Loukis
Tom Gordon
Ann Macintosh
Gunther Schefbeck
Maria Wimmer
Radboud Winkels
By Adam Wyner

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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