London GATE Users Group

At the recent GATE Summer School in Sheffield, there was some discussion among people from London to form an occasional, informal users group where GATE users based in London can arrange to meet to go over tutorials, develop tutorials, discuss how we work with GATE, help one another with problems, and generally have a bit of a blab over tea with others who have similar interests.
As the informal organiser of this informal group, I thought my blog (which touches on topics related to text analytics) might be an acceptable place to announce and maintain the group. If things really get going, then perhaps the group will hive off to its own site.
I would like to suggest Thursday, August 20 in the early evening (e.g. 19:00) as our first meeting time. Likely the meeting would be till 20:30. Place (somewhere in central London — Covent Garden/Leicester Square) to be announced. Please let me know if this time and vicinity suits you, as we are looking to have more than one person show up.
Likely people will bring laptops, but we’ll try to arrange a projector as well for public show and tell. If you have something you would like to discuss or show, that would be good, but we can always find something to do and discuss.
It is an open group, and if you would like to be kept informed of any upcoming meetings, please send an email to Adam Wyner ( Feel free also to join this blog as one way to keep in touch with this group.
The group currently has the following participants:

  • Dipti Garg (Fizzback)
  • Hercules Fisherman (Fizzback)
  • Adam Wyner (University College London)
  • Auhood Alfaries (Brunel University)
  • Helen Flatley (EqualMedia)
  • Gerhard Brey (King’s College London)
  • Daniel Elias (Hawk Ridge Capital Management)
  • Renato Souza (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)

We look forward to our first meeting and to hearing from other people who may be interested in working with GATE. Comments on this topic are very welcome.
Adam Wyner

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